Tuesday 3 December 2013

Sharing - Part II

I had a tweet last week from one of my customers @eatupshrewsbury telling me they were making rock cakes with my raspberry jam. Instant transportation back to Domestic Science classes in school and one of the first things we were taught to bake.
I've checked the recipe out again and here we go:

Raspberry Buns or Rock Cakes

200g self raising flour
75g granulated or caster sugar
50g butter or margarine
1 large egg
Raspberry Jam (or jam of your choice)

It’s the same recipe for Rock Buns, simply substitute the jam for 50g sultanas.
Pre-heat oven to 180°C (360°C), Gas Mark 4

Lightly grease a baking tray
Cream sugar into butter/marg
Add flour and egg,  mix until mixture comes together (you may need to use a little milk)
Divide mixture into 12 and roll into balls
Indent the top of each ball using your thumb and add approx a teaspoon of jam
Transfer to baking tray and cook for 12-15 minutes or until slightly brown
Leave to cool

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