If there's one thing I lack confidence in, it's making things up from scratch. I need inspiration. I like taking an idea and running with it. It's not always pretty!
.A small selection of inspiration
I have a few recipe books for preserves.
OK, I have a lot of recipe books for preserves.
Some of them, quite frankly, are rubbish. They're over complicated & often make you feel like its just all too much trouble. I hate books that hint at 'leave it to the experts'.
While I was waiting for my gooseberry & elderflower jam to boil yesterday I was flicking through one of my favourites.
'Preserves' by Pam Corbin
This would be my Can't Do Without Book. It brings me back to my reason for The Jammy Cow in the first place and, if I ever feel I've lost the plot, out it comes. I'm reading through it quite a lot at the moment!
But I really, really like this one too....
It, also, has no pretensions and was my sole inspiration to make marmalade.
But, there's no way I'm stopping looking for more books...all in the name of research, of course!